Agreement to the terms and conditions of use of the site
- The site, content and services offered on are accepted by you without changes to the terms of these Rules;
- By creating an account on you agree to the terms of use of this site;
- If you do not agree with the terms, You must cease using the website, the products and services offered through it, and the information provided herein;
- The administration of the site can change this document at any time by updating this page.
- By posting ads on the site, you agree to the use of material, such as: copying, distribution, transmission, publication, reproduction, modification and translation.
- Recognizing the international nature of the Internet, the User accepts responsibility for compliance with all local rules and laws relating to the User’s actions on the site;
Rules for posting advertisements
- The title (title) of the advertisement must correspond to the content of the advertisement and brief information about your offer;
- Advertisements can be published only in English;
- Headings and advertisements containing special characters or combinations thereof (Emoji, etc.) can be edited or deleted at the discretion of ad moderators;
- The ad text should not contain keywords (tags) that are not directly related to the product or service offered in the ad, or carry additional advertising other than the current offer;
- The contact information specified in the advertisement must match that specified in the Contacts section of the advertisement and the user’s personal account;
- The price in the ad text must match the price in the price line;
- Advertisements are published strictly in accordance with thematic affiliation to headings and sub-headings.
- The images used in the ad must also correspond to the ad text;
- Each user can publish an unlimited number of advertisements for free;
- The ability to highlight an ad among others and thus increase the number of its views is regulated on the page describing such opportunities, indicating the price and conditions;
Ad content restrictions
- The publication of advertisements that violate the legislation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic is prohibited;
- It is prohibited to publish advertisements relating to weapons, drugs, explosives, and other goods prohibited by law, as well as any mention of this in the text of the advertisement;
- It is prohibited to publish advertisements that do not make sense in the context of the site (for example, spam, testing, etc., with advertising of third-party resources, etc.);
- Political, religious, nationalist and other forms of agitation and insults are prohibited, as well as any mention of this in the text of the advertisement;
- Advertisements aimed at promoting advertising sites or other platforms for posting advertisements (bulletin boards, Viber groups, etc.) are not allowed for publication. All prohibited advertisements (paid and free) will be deleted without refund.
Responsibility and consequences
The user, the author of the advertisement, bears full responsibility to any persons, including and authorities for the information posted on the site (advertising, announcement, etc.).
In particular, but not limited to the following:
- The user is responsible for compliance of the content of the information with the requirements of the law, including legislation on advertising, on the protection of consumer rights, as well as other regulations, including international ones;
- The user is responsible for damage caused in connection with the publication of information (health, property, moral, business reputation) to any individual or legal entity, including residents of third countries, as well as public authorities and state administration;
- The user is responsible for violation of rights belonging to a third party, including intellectual property rights (trademark rights, copyrights, etc.) caused by the posting of information on the website;
- The user is responsible for the accuracy of the information posted;
- The user is responsible for carrying out activities without the necessary permits (permits, licenses, certificates, etc.);
- The user is responsible for other violations;
- The user warrants that he has reached the legal age when he has the right to enter into a legally binding contract with, and guarantees that, in accordance with applicable law, or any other state, including the state of which he is a resident or from whose territory he operates
From the site administration:
- In case of a complaint about an ad, the administration has the right to remove it and block the user if it violates the law or the terms of use of the site;
- The administration of the site does not bear any responsibility for user publications, the information posted in the advertisement is the responsibility of the user, but reserves the right to delete and (or) edit them if necessary;
- If the client’s activities are related to the placement of advertisements of third parties, reserves the right to require the conclusion of a separate agreement for the placement of advertisements for such a client;
- The site administration undertakes not to transfer personal information of users to third parties, except in cases stipulated by the legislation of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic;
General provisions
- All information contained in advertisements submitted to the site is publicly available, with the exception of the password to access the user’s personal section;
- Contact information added by the user in the ad and in the personal account is publicly available by definition.
- User access to changing information contained in advertisements is made only on the basis of a unique login (which is an email address) and password chosen by the user during registration;
- The User agrees and understands that he is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords associated with any account he uses to access the site's services;
- If a user loses their password, they have the opportunity to receive a new password.
- Under no circumstances will be liable for damages, losses (including direct and indirect lost profits) or expenses arising in connection with this site, its use/inability to use, as well as in connection with the service provided for posting information on the site
- reserves the right to change the information on this site without notice;
- The user agrees that he is solely responsible to for all actions that occur while using your account;
- If the User becomes aware of any unauthorized use of his password or account, he undertakes to immediately notify at this address -;
- reserves the right not to enter into correspondence with site users.